Workshop 1: Nuclear Theory
- Shell Model Methods (10 of 10 students max. => FULL)
- The Powerful Nuclear Mean Fields: Theory and Practice (10 of 10 students max. => FULL)
Workshop 2: Experimental methods in Nuclear Physics & environmental methods
- Gamma-ray tracking with AGATA : scanning of a Ge detector (4 of 4 students max. => FULL)
- Neutron dosimetry (5 of 6 students max.)
- Neutrons detection (4 of 4 students max. => FULL)
- Neutrons detection Analysis (4 of 4 students max. => FULL)
Workshop 1: Nuclear Theory
- Shell Model Methods (10 of 10 students max. => FULL)
- The Powerful Nuclear Mean Fields: Theory and Practice (10 of 10 students max. => FULL)
Workshop 3: Experimental methods in Nuclear Physics & environmental methods
- Characterization of a new type of scintillator detectors (3 of 3 students max. => FULL)
- Detection methods (6 of 6 students max. => FULL)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy ANALYSIS (3 of 3 students max. => FULL)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy measurement (3 of 3 students max. => FULL)
- Scintillator detection : From pulse shape signal to resolution (3 of 3 students max. => FULL)
Workshop 2: Experimental methods in Nuclear Physics & environmental methods
- Gamma-ray tracking with AGATA : scanning of a Ge detector (2 of 4 students max.)
- Mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Liquid scintillation (4 of 6 students max.)
- Neutrons detection (4 of 4 students max. => FULL)
- Neutrons detection Analysis (4 of 4 students max. => FULL)
Workshop 3: Experimental methods in Nuclear Physics & environmental methods
- Characterization of a new type of scintillator detectors (0 of 3 students max.)
- Detection methods (5 of 6 students max.)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy ANALYSIS (3 of 3 students max. => FULL)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy measurement (0 of 3 students max.)
- Scintillator detection : From pulse shape signal to resolution (1 of 3 students max.)