Participants 2011
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Name | Age | Status | Fiels of studies | University | City / Country |
Ms. SERBAKOWSKA Magdalena | 22 | Student | Technical Physics | Wroclaw University of Technology | WROCłAW POLAND (PL) |
Mr. SIEBENBORN Bernhard | 25 | Student | Physics | KIT | KARLSUHE GERMANY (DE) |
Mr. SPOREA Adrian Ciprian | 22 | Student | Physics | West University of Timisoara | TIMISOARA ROMANIA (RO) |
Ms. SZCZECHOWSKA Katarzyna | 22 | Student | Physics | Maria Curie-Sklodowska's University | LUBLIN POLAND (PL) |
Mr. TÁPAI Márton | 23 | Student | Physics | University of Szeged | SZEGED HUNGARY (HU) |
Mr. THIERY Elie | 24 | Student | Physics With Astroparticles And Astrophysics Specialties | Université Joseph Fourier | GRENOBLE CEDEX 9 FRANCE (FR) |
Mr. TRUFANOV Evgeniy | 19 | Student | Physics | University | MOSCOW RUSSIAN FEDERATION (RU) |
Mr. VAZQUEZ-GONZALEZ Thibaud | 21 | Student | Physics | UFR Physique et Ingenierie-Strasbourg | STRASBOURG FRANCE (FR) |
Ms. VIAENE Sophie | 20 | Student | Physics | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) | BRUSSEL BELGIUM (BE) |
Mr. VOROBYOV Ivan | 21 | Student | High Energy And Elementary Particles Physics | Saint Petersburg State University | SAINT PETERSBURG RUSSIAN FEDERATION (RU) |
Ms. WIEDMANN Vanessa | 25 | Student | Physics | Karlsruhe Institut of Technology | KARLSRUHE GERMANY (DE) |
Mr. XU Feng | 27 | Student | Physics | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | MUENSTER GERMANY (DE) |
Ms. ZDEB Anna | 27 | Student | Physics | Maria Curie Sklodowska University | LUBLIN POLAND (PL) |
Mr. ZIELENKIEWICZ Maciej | 24 | Student | Computer Science And Physics | University of Warsaw | WARSZAWA POLAND (PL) |
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