Scientific Programme


From the Mystery of Mass to Nobel Prizes
The Physics of the Higgs Boson
(An introductory school to modern particle physics)

Opening & Introduction

  • Opening
    C. Florentz, Vicepresident for research, Université de Strasbourg
  • Ulrich Goerlach, IPHC, Strasbourg
  • Inflationary Cosmology and Particle Physics
    Alan Guth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, video transmission from ICHEP, Valencia)
    website for the slides of the Conference
  • Welcome reception at UFR
    » view some photos



  • The Standard model (SM) and the Higgs mechanism - part 1
    Prof. Margarete Mühlleitner, KIT
    PDFTalk 1
  • The conception of the LHC and CMS and ATLAS detectors (Experimental challenges I)
    Jean-Marie Brom, IPHC, Strasbourg
  • Lepton mixing and Neutrino Mass - part 1
    Werner Rodejohann, MPI-Heidelberg
    PDFTalks 1+2
  • Welcome reception at Hôtel de Ville
    » view some photos


  • Data analysis: Discovery and characterization of the Higgs Boson, new analysis strategies for high luminosity and future discoveries at LHC and ILC - part 1
    Michalis Bachtis, CERN
    PDFTalk 1
  • The Standard model (SM) and the Higgs mechanism - part 2
    Prof. Margarete Mühlleitner, KIT
    PDFTalks 2+3
  • Lepton mixing and Neutrino Mass - part 2
    Werner Rodejohann, MPI-Heidelberg
    PDFTalks 1+2


  • The Standard model (SM) and the Higgs mechanism - part 3
    Prof. Margarete Mühlleitner, KIT
    PDFTalk 2+3
  • Future developments: the upgrades to even higher luminosity at the LHC
    Ulrich Husemann KIT


  • Data analysis: Discovery and characterization of the Higgs Boson, new analysis strategies for high luminosity and future discoveries at LHC and ILC - part 2
    Michalis Bachtis, CERN
    PDFTalk 2 - animated Higgs signal in CMS (.gif)
  • Working groups in parallel:
    Higgs theory
    Higgs analysis
    Higgs linear collider


  • Data analysis: Discovery and characterization of the Higgs Boson, new analysis strategies for high luminosity and future discoveries at LHC and ILC - part 3
    Michalis Bachtis, CERN
    PDFTalk 3
  • Relation to cosmology: The early Universe: Inflation and symmetry breaking
    Lorenzo Sorbo, University of Massachusetts Amherst


  • Einführung und Präzisionstest des Standardmodells
    Tobias Binder