Scientific Programme
Physics at the Nanoscale
Scientific Programme
The goal of the school is to present to the participating students a general view of Nanophysics and recent developments in a few selected areas. The technological advances that made it possible for the nanosciences to emerge as a discipline are in constant development. The technological implications, as well as the novel basic science, are of great importance and will be addressed in this school.
The following program selects some of the domains experiencing a fast development and will be taught by researchers of the Université de Strasbourg, as well as by colleges from France and the rest of Europe.
The programme of one week is organised in the following way:
- About 15 lectures (see below) of 2 x 45 min
- A Poster-session of the students presenting their research work (if applicable) or their university
- A visit to the Centre of Functional Nanostructures of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- European Summer Campus 2012 opening
Ulrich Goerlach (IPHC, Strasbourg)
Talk -
Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Welcome to the European Parliament
Talk -
Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Master of Sciences in Physics
Rodolfo Jalabert (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
Talk -
Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Poster session
Ulrich Goerlach (IPHC, Strasbourg)
pdf -
- From atoms to solids to nanostructures
Mebarek Alouani and/or Dietmar Weinmann (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
Talk M.Alouani -
Talk D.Weinmann
- Manipulating the spin of single molecules
Wulf Wulfhekel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) - Electronic transport through correlated nanostructures
Peter Schmitteckert (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) - Introduction to low dimensional carbon materials : graphene, graphene nanoribbons and carbone nanotubes
Stéphane Berciaud (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
- Transport in Graphene
Klaus Richter (University of Regensburg)
- Casimir effects in micro and nanostructures
Gert-Ludwig Ingold (University of Augsburg)
- Coupling of electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom
Renaud Leturcq (Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie, Lille)
Talk part 1 -
Talk part 2
- Noise in mesoscopic systems
Bertrand Reulet (Univ. of Sherbrooke)
- Light, Metal and Molecules
Thomas Ebbesen (ISIS, Strasbourg)
- Chemistry at the nanoscale
Jean-Louis Gallani (IPCMS, Strasbourg) - Magnetism in ultrathin films
Wolfgang Weber (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
Talk -
Presentation (PowerPoint)
- Electron holography on Magnetic nanoparticles
Véronique Pierron-Bohnes (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
Talk part 1 -
Talk part 2 -
Talk part 3
- Biophysics with nanoprobes
Stefan Haacke (IPCMS, Strasbourg) - Toxicity and risks to human health of nanomaterials
Anne Braun (INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte)
Talk -
Presentation (PowerPoint)